
歡迎光臨 青島駿馳精工軸承有限公司 官方網(wǎng)站      全國(guó)銷售熱線 : 400-995-8760


   日期:2018-08-23     瀏覽:863    評(píng)論:0    
  Generally, if the bearing is properly used, it can be used until fatigue life is reached. But there will be accidents too early to damage, and can not be used. This early damage, relative to fatigue life, is used as the quality limit of failure or accident. Because of the neglect of installation, use and lubrication, the foreign bodies intruded from the outside, and the insufficient research on the heat effect of the shaft and shell, etc.
  As for the damage state of the bearing such as: the ring of roller bearing, the jam of the flange, as the reason can be considered, insufficient lubricant, inappropriate, the defect of oil supply and drainage structure, invasion of foreign bodies, bearing installation error, shaft deflection is too large, there will also be overlap of these reasons.
  Therefore, it is difficult to know the real cause of damage only by investigating bearing damage. However, if we know the use of the bearing machinery, use conditions, the structure around the bearing, understand the situation before and after the accident, combined with the damage state of the bearing and several reasons for investigation, we can prevent similar accidents.

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