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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-12        瀏覽次數(shù):475        返回列表
  Skf bearing clearance refers to the amount of movement of a SKF Bearing when its inner ring or outer ring is fixed on one side of the bearing without being mounted on the shaft or bearing box, and then the unsettled side moves radially or axially. Generally speaking, SKF bearings rotate long duration, slow down, sensitive import bearing is good. On the contrary, the rotation time is short and the abrupt change is not good. According to the direction of movement, it can be divided into radial clearance and axial clearance.
  The measurement of radial clearance of SKF Bearing is not simple. The measuring force of the imported bearing causes elastic deformation of the ring and the roll body itself and its touch part. The deformation is a multi-element of the measurement error, which is related to the measuring force, the touch condition and the orientation of the roll body.
  The rotational sensitivity of SKF bearings is generally checked in the horizontal position. Usually, the inner ring is fixed and the outer ring is rolled by hand to check whether there is abnormal static and dynamic phenomena when the SKF bearings rotate. Because of the different structure and size of SKF Bearing, there should be different requirements for its rotational sensitivity.
  For example, single-row centripetal ball bearings and single-row centripetal thrust ball bearings, because the contact area between the rollers and the rings is small, these SKF bearings rotate more easily, while double-row centripetal spherical bearings and thrust roller bearings, because the rollers and the raceway touch area is larger, and the outer ring component is smaller, check its rotation When sensitivity is added to a certain load, its lightweight level is still less than single row centripetal bearing.
  skf進(jìn)口軸承保養(yǎng)辦法:(SKF maintenance measures for imported bearings:)
  1. First of all, the SKF imported bearings are washed in gasoline, and the remaining oil and dust on the SKF imported bearings are wiped off. However, any rusty SKF imported bearings are quietly scrubbed and polished with gold sandpaper until no rough feeling is felt by hand.
  2, dry rags to dry the SKF imported bearings after cleaning, and then immerse them in antirust oil. In this process, the SKF imported bearings should be completely touched with the rust oil of the imported bearings, and the SKF imported bearings will not stop rolling. only in this way can the oil film formed by the rust oil be covered in the appearance of the SKF imported bearings to achieve the purpose of rust prevention.
  3. Next, with lithium grease, butter should be evenly coated on the surface of SKF imported bearings, including inner and outer rings, wheels, holders. And the SKF import bearing is rolled while wiping, so that butter really into the SKF import bearing, play a full smooth role.
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